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AFFLLY: It's Not Just E-Commerce, It's a Revolution

At AFFLLY, we’re not just building a marketplace, we’re building a movement. A movement fueled by ambition, fuelled by innovation, and fuelled by the unwavering belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive in the online world.

It all started with a simple spark: the conviction that e-commerce shouldn’t be a labyrinth of limitations. We envisioned a platform where affiliates and sellers could join forces, not as pawns in a game, but as equal partners in a shared ecosystem of success.

This wasn’t just a pipedream; it was our blueprint for revolution. We crafted a platform that empowers affiliates to unleash their marketing magic with a vast product arsenal, cutting-edge tools, and data-driven insights. For sellers, we built a launching pad to reach a global audience, streamline operations, and scale their ambitions with ease.


Passion Meets Data: AFFLLY's Recipe for E-Commerce Success

Technology is just the canvas. The true masterpiece comes from the people. Our team is a mosaic of e-commerce veterans, marketing wizards, and data-driven strategists, all united by a single goal: your success. We’re your advisors, your cheerleaders, your partners in navigating the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

AFFLLY isn’t just a company, it’s a community. A vibrant network of passionate individuals pushing each other to new heights, sharing knowledge, celebrating wins, and conquering challenges together. We believe in the power of collaboration, not competition, and it’s this spirit that sets us apart.

Values we live by



Fostering a spirit of partnership and mutual success between sellers and affiliates, where everyone wins.



Continuously striving to develop cutting-edge tools, features, and strategies to adapt to the ever-changing e-commerce landscape.



Embracing the drive and enthusiasm of both sellers and affiliates to build successful businesses and positive online communities.

Our team of experts

Our Consultants: The Guiding Lights of AFFLLY

At AFFLLY, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to thrive in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce. But achieving success in this dynamic landscape often requires guidance, support, and a little bit of expert knowledge. That’s where our dedicated consultants come in. They are the guiding lights who illuminate the path for both sellers and affiliates, empowering them to navigate challenges, maximize their potential, and reach their entrepreneurial dreams. .

Beyond expertise, our consultants are:
They believe in your potential and are there to celebrate your wins, big and small. Their positive energy and encouragement will keep you motivated and inspired on your e-commerce journey.
They offer personalized guidance and support, sharing their knowledge and experience to help you navigate the challenges and complexities of the online marketplace. With their mentorship, you can learn, grow, and evolve as an e-commerce entrepreneur.
Problem Solvers:
No matter what obstacle you face, our consultants are there to help you find creative solutions. Their resourceful thinking and problem-solving skills will ensure you can overcome any hurdle and stay on track towards your goals.

So, whether you're a seasoned seller or a budding affiliate, know that at AFFLLY, you're not alone. Our dedicated consultants are here to guide you, support you, and empower you to achieve your full potential in the exciting world of e-commerce.

our partners trust us

Stuart Oneil

CEO, Luryc

“Lunno is a highly professional consulting firm. We can depend on them to be transparent, smart, and committed to our success.”

Elly Brett

Business Operations, Bewarx

“For over 10 years, Lunno has consistently proven their ability to understand our business needs and help us outperform our expectations.”

Jenna Ballard

VP Marketing, Wico

“When we needed help to manage the strategy and rollout of a complex marketing plan, Lunno turned out to be the perfect partner.”


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

We’re not the biggest, but we’re the fastest-growing. We’re not the loudest, but we’re the most passionate. We’re not just building a marketplace, we’re building a future where success is accessible to all.

© 2024 Lunno. All Rights Reserved.